It's not that I haven't been evolving since my last post. When I logged in, I saw that I had 9 titled drafts just waiting to be written. The last post was on July 15th. If you're wondering, I did not complete the 60 day challenge. On day 56, I had to go out of town unexpectedly and could not make up the days in time. I gave up the challenge, but continued to practice Bikram 3-4 days per week until late October, when I took a much too long break from Bikram.

At that point, I had just cut off all of my hair- 21 inches and 12 years worth of beautiful locs. I dontated it to a patient of mine who was struggling with hair growth after chemotherapy. She has had it made into a wig and I have absolutely no regrets. However, I was terribly disappointed to learn that "Locks of Love" no longer accepted dred locks for their wigs, as if little brown girls are not losing their hair to cancer treatments.

This is PRETTY close to how I looked afterthe transition, without the blond... and the "Bee Stings"
In October, I also completed Atlanta's Inaugural 13.1 half-marathon as a training run for the Mystery Mountain trail Marathon in Chatsworth, GA. Yes, I selected a trail marathon as my first marathon... not so bright, yet it was exhilerating!

Fort Mountain Park in Chatsworth, Georgia
The next week, I flew to NYC to meet my cousin to celebrate our birthdays! While there, I went to the NYC Trapeze school. It was an incredible experience (I should have blogged about it). I can't wait to go back!!
I didn't realize that Jigga and Alicia were watching me fly through the air in Neeew Yooork!
In October, I make MY New Year's resolutions, commitments, goals and list of other "stuff I wanna do" before my next birthday. I used to make 5 and 10 year plans, but I had too much time to procrastinate, so they did not work as well. I need these annual check points. The point of all of that is to say that another Bikram challenge showed up on this list and yesterday, I began.
I am 3 weeks away from Atlanta's ING half-marathon and my training has been dismal. I won't back out of this one, but I may not sign up for another. My biggest thrill in running is telling people that I run. My ankles are weak and my will for running is weaker. I have never gotten a runner's high and the most that I can say about even my best runs is that "I'm not hurting as much as usual and I met my goal." I hate training, skip a lot of training runs, then push myself to catch up to where I really should be. It's not healthy- emotionally or physically. OK- I may run a few more races, but I'm not gonna like it! All of that to say that I am really looking forward to seeing how Bikram can improve my training. It has always been helpful in my recovery, but I rarely have time to both race train and practice Bikram regularly. This time, starting now, I am going to get it done.

Day 1, Class 1
Randy 6:30
I had been communicating with a few of my instructors, threatening a comeback, and yesterday, I finally made good. Eric, the owner, was at the desk and Randy was at the top of the page as the 6:30 instructor. Life is good, especially when it's familiar. The first thing Eric said that I must feel 10 pounds lighter without my hair. I don't. My hair never felt as heavy as it looked to everyone else. However, I will admit that in the few classes that I did take after I cut it, savasana felt entirely different, as if I were sinking into the ground. I am really looking forward to more classes without the perceived distraction of hair.

Now, half-moon has never been my favorite posture, but I have never had to sit out... until this class. Yes! Parts of the second posture had me squatting... as did parts of chair, bow-pulling and standing separate head to knee. It was that so-called "nutrition bar" that was a-brewing in my tummy. This was definitely not one of my better classes, but sadly, it was not my worst, either.

I am not usually distracted by the sweat, but my eyes were burning. MAN! It's my hair products running into my eyes and they are on fire!! I never had this problem with the locs. I can't win. Tomorrow, no products in class. As a matter of fact, I may need to look for different products altogether. If my eyes are responding to this, I can only imagine what's happening to my brain as this permeates my scalp.
Once we were beyond the standing postures, I was able to re-group and end with a strong finish. I am not discouraged. I have been here before and I know that I can- that I will, get beyond it. I am looking forward to the benefits and the enless possibilities surrounding this challenge. I am also not planning on taking more long breaks from Bikram. Perhaps I've said that before, but I am now convinced that my body feels and looks the best when I am serious about my practice. I have to continue to consistently make it a priority. I entered class sore from the weekend's activities and although I did not have a great class, I am waking up to longer and less sore back and leg muscles. Bikram is defintely where I belong.
Hi there just found your blog. I just started blogging about my new yoga adventure, Bikram. enjoyed reading your old posts. Glad you are back ... Looking forward to your visit to my blog n be yoga blog friends. Namaste