Sunday, May 31, 2009

Eye Candy

Day 46, Class 39
2:00 with Rebecca

I arrived at class... without a mat. That pretty much set the tone for the rest of the class. I rented one, set-up in the front and went to sleep before class. I was extraordinarily stiff during half-moon, which is not one of my favorites to begin with. I became dizzy in the standing back bend and it felt worse in the second set. I was afraid about the rest of class. However, for a minute, I was inspired by some new eye candy in the room. Where did that come from? Yummy!

Tony Parrish- former NFL STRONG safety

My Standing head to knee pose is getting easier to hold with leg extended, now I am working on bending my elbows. My legs are so long though, I think this could be a while... then there's the getting the head to knee. Well, as Rebecca reminded us, we have the whole rest of our lives to practice the yoga. Dandayamana Janushirasana as demonstrated by Tony Parrish
I started to feel unstable again after a successful standing bow series. On Tuesday, I was finally able to get my forehead to the floor on Standing separate leg stretching pose, for the first time since the hamstring injury. It's been tight, but not painful. As long as I move slowly, I'm OK... Well, that was a few days ago. Today, it was tight again, which made the other side poses a challenge- except for the first set of Triangle. That was easy- because I sat down to regroup. The second set was good though. It must have been, because Rebecca usually corrects my Triangle (asking me to bring my long legs closer together because I don't sit low enough. Today, she didn't say anything, unless she just felt sorry for my-pitiful-self. My toe stands were pretty good and I was ready to fall on the floor after that.

Tony Parrish in Triangle... why not?

I don't think I mentioned it before, but my locust has been so good lately. I mean, my legs are really getting up there. I really want someone to take a picture of my poses. Maybe I'll schedule a private session and invite a photographer (my mom) one day soon.

My legs aren't nearly this high, but is this not amazing?

The rest of the practice was uneventful. But just before final breathing, Rebecca stood atop her soapbox to talk about respecting each other at the end of class, by leaving and shutting the doors quietly. She was pretty funny and very serious at the same time. Now, off to my niece's birthday party. I can't believe she's 14. My God, bless her and keep her.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Catching Up

Today is Day 45 and I should be half-way finished with my challenge, but I'm not. I am further behind than I ever wanted to be, but the challenge is not insurmountable. If I can regain my focus and energy, I should be able to catch up in two weeks, just before reaching 60 days. I just have to do it!

No Excuses!

Because I fell off on blogging, as well, I will do a simple re-cap of the week:

Day 44, Class38

12 pm with Ivey Claire

She has such a sweet and calming spirit. Favorite quote, "might as well go into the next set instead of laying there dreading it". That's so true.

I had a double planned, but had to re-schedule to meet with my web designer. YAY!

Day 43, Class 37

5:30 with Rebecca

I can't muster up the energy to do doubles back to back doubles these days.

Day 42

I had a dinner planned with friends that cancelled, but I didn't have time to stop home to get clothes... actually, it was Wednesday, so I did. I just lied. I guess I just wasn't feeling it. I'll pay for it next week.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Gimmie Five!

Day 41, Class 36
5:30 with Susan

When I arrived to class, Eric the Stoic greeted me with a smile, thanking me for my e-mail and asked if he could use it as a testimonial on the BYD website. SURE! I meant every word. Just remove the names to protect the innocent.

Toward the beginning of class, Susan reminded us that the definition of an asana is to be in a position that is firm, but relaxed. Huh?

The class was a little wierd for everybody. I blamed it on having been away for so long, Susan attributed it to the New Moon (no moon). Susan, who is a great teacher, was calling out incorrect postures and everyone was falling and even laughing throughout class. She is so funny. She makes torture very enjoyable. In her times of seriousness, she suggested that we think of practicing for someone else. I could immediately relate. I know that when I am stronger, more flexible and more focused, I do a better and safer job for my clients and patients. What Susan went on to say was that when we feel better in our bodies, where less likely to be grumpy and ruin someone else's day. OK. I'll take that. She also said that no matter how we feel about a posture, it could always be worse. Perspective, always perspective.

I intended to stay for a second class, but unforeseen circumstances prevented me from doing so...

Seriously? Five days behind, for real? How did this happen?

There's No Place Like Home

Day 36, Class 35
Friday, May 22, 2009
6:00 am with Cynthia in Alexandria, VA

I arrived in D.C. on Thursday night for the fabulous, highly anticipated, annual belly dance conference. My cousin picked me up and we had dinner at the Chart House in Olde Towne, Virginia... is that too many silent e's? Anyway, we enjoyed sea bass and drinks and I was all the while preparing the both of us for my 6:00am hot yoga class. I really wanted to go, but I also knew that I had lots of dancing to do over the next three days at BOCA.

The Founder of the BOCA Dance, Yoga and Wellness Expo

Although I am a real morning person, I have never taken a Bikram class this early. I was a little intimidated by it all, but was glad that I could take one while out of town so that I would not get too much further behind. My beloved cousin had to drive me because I don't know how to drive her car that's a stick. She tried to teach me in '96 when I stayed the Summer with her, but I didn't catch onto it. We REALLY did wake up in time to go. I set my alarm, but said that if I didn't feel it, we didn't have to go. I was feeling it like the Jacksons!

When we arrived at the studio, which was at the end of a warehouse row, I was nervous and excited. I never know what these new classes and teachers are going to bring and I always want to represent for my studio. I oriented myself and began to prepare for class. The studio was very open and large compared to mine. It even has spaces for massage therapy treatment rooms. There are obviously other types of fitness classes being taught, but I didn't get a chance to see which ones. My practice was good, especially for being so early... I keep saying that, don't I? Before class, I mentioned to the teacher that I had a pulled hamstring and that I was still taking care of myself in certain postures. Right at the beginning of class, she informed me that they keep ice packs in the freezer at the back of class. I think that's a nice touch... and I took full advantage during the final Savasana, so that it would not be inflamed during dancing.

After class, the instructor said that I had a "strong practice with a lot of focus and discipline". I have also heard similar comments from instructors in New York and at another local studio. I accepted the compliment and e-mailed Eric (my studio's owner) that I owe all of that to them. I don't consider my studio to be strict, mean, militant or unreasonable. I don't think they are Bikram Nazi's, but I do respect them for instilling discipline during the practice and explaining why. Plus, as I've been saying here, all along, they each infuse a tremendous amount of anatomy, physiology, origin, rationale, antecdotes and life lessons that make it easier to get through my practice and my day.

No Savasna for you!

During her opening remarks, the instructor said that it would be OK for someone to leave the class if necessary. Our instructors say "please stay in the room at all times; take a break if you need to, stand there, sit down or lay down and the discomfort or sensation usually passes". I have yet to see one person leave the room. No one left this particular class, either. I just thought it was a little strange that she even put it out there. At this studio, and at others, there was so much wiping and drinking between postures... even drinking sports drinks. We only drink regular water during our classes. Two people came in late to the class and one had to take of jacket, pants and shoes during Pranayama breathing. I had never seen such. That's impossible at my studio, because the doors are locked a few minutes before class. The even instructor let a new student stand in the front, which was terribly distracting. They also use handtowels for every gripping posture. I think I have become a Bikram snob, but I don't mind. I like to practice the way I like to practice. Again, class wasn't bad, just a little lax... one more class out of the way.

Yoga Snob
AT BOCA, I was able to shake my shimmy for 3 days straight, for eight hours at a time. I met and reunited with some of the most fabulous dancers in the world. I learned some nice routines, experimented with different dance styles, and had a fabulous massage at Maisie Dunbar's Spa in Silver Spring, MD. I learned a lot about my yoni and I had a wonderful time with my big and little cousins. I am definitely going to do it again next year.
Amar Gamal and Kaeshi Chai of Bellyqueen
Featured BOCA Instructors and Performers

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Bikram or Beauty?

Day 35
I did not go to class today because I am going to a belly dance conference tomorrow and I MUST be fabulash. I had to make a decision between Bikram and beauty. I do plan on taking at least one class in the Metro D.C. area. It's always fun to experience different studios and teaching styles. I am looking forward to it. But for now...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Falling Behind

Day 34, Class 34
5:30 with Susan

So... confession time. I stopped blogging for a while, but I'm catching up now. A week later, I think that "Falling Behind" had to do as much with class as it did with blogging. I don't remember any details from this class, but I'm sure that it was good and that Susan was funny and poignant. This was a 5:30 class on a Tuesday, which means that I was probably planning a double, which I obviously did not do. Foreshadowing...

Immediately after class, I washed my hair right at the studio so that I would be forced to do it when I got home. Five hours later, VOILA!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Helpful Hiatus

Day 33, Class 32
6:30 with Susan

I had a great time at Chateau Elan. I did not feel quite rejuvenated, but I was definitely able to relax. I also had the opportunity for my hamstring to get a little stronger. My plan was to return to class on Sunday, but I worked after the long weekend, so I extended my 2nd Bikram break during this challenge.

I had mixed feelings going into class today. I was really anxious to get back... but I was also quite, well, anxious, about coming back. Apparently, I was the first in the group to complete the challenge. I think that Falcon must have, but I know that he is going for 60, so he may not have even wanted to acknowledge this milestone. We don't have a challenge board, like I've seen at some other studios to keep track. It's all in the computer. I can see both sides of the rationale. I let Eric know that I had completed my 30 in 28. he congratulated me and applied my 10 class card to the computer. That's a good thing, since I am going away for 5 days and need all of the pennies that I can save.

In the beginning of class, I was tight, most notably in my hamstrings. I did not have the pain that I had had in the classes last week, but I could tell that I was not quite at 100% yet, either. I know that my mind was drifting, but my practice was decent. I was thinking about my Summer plans, purchasing a new home, stupid boys, and washing my hair.

Meanwhile, back in the hot box, my side angle poses left a lot to be desired because of the hamstring issue. Again, it's not excruciating, but it was tender enough for me to guard in order to prevent re-injury. My left toe stand was pretty awesome... now Savasana. I was right at the side mirror, where I sometimes sneak a peek at myself- for form, depth, etc. When I turned my head toward the mirror, this time to see how high my head really is off the floor, my bun started to unravel. grrrr! I intensely despise the spine strengthening series when my hair is down.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Well Deserved

Day 28, Class 31
6:30 with Susan

This morning when I woke up, my leg was still bothering me. In fact, it was a bit more achy than before. At work, I iced it and massaged it a little. That alleviated the discomfort some. When I arrived at my 31st class (YAY!), I was bound and determined to achieve this milestone, but I knew to do it safely. I went all out when I could and backed off when I needed to. Surprisingly enough, my balancing series was great. I was half anticipating it to bother me, but it almost felt good. The 3 side postures did hurt and I actually stood out of the first set of Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee for the pain. The sit ups were also painful, so I pretty much skipped them. I did everything else quite well.

Susan said that the stronger we finish the practice, the stronger we'll be after the practice. I think there's something to that. Even posture-by-posture, I think that when I finish strongly, I feel as though I have done a better job- even in those 10 or 30 seconds. On the other hand, if I back off or wimp out, I call that a "bad posture" and several of those add up to a bad class. Likewise, feeling like mess going into the last 3 or 4 postures could make me believe that the entire class was bad... that's not good. She talked about looking to our own eyes, especially before and after those last postures in order to exchange positive reflective energy with ourselves. That's a great idea! I am going to start purposefully finishing each class as strongly as I start.

Positive Reflection... get it?

She also giggled when a few people fell, "causing" others to fall... it wasn't a taunting laugh, just more of a "that's life" kind of laugh. She went on to say that in life, when other people start losing it around you, remember to keep your own focus and balance. That's a good one.

Just kinda cool... no other reason

Finally, she talked about the importance of getting good oxygen to and through our bodies. A while ago, she illustrated how important O2 is, reminding us that we can survive without food for many weeks, can survive without water for a couple of days, but that we need oxygen every few seconds. I had never in my life prioritized it that way, but it's true. Tonight, she talked about how the Half Tortoise posture adds years to the life and that it's named for the long-living tortoise who (and I didn't know this either) have extended life spans because they inhale and exhale about three times per minute. That's 10 seconds each way. Talk about breath control!

Well defended tortoises can live well over one hundred years

I completed my 30th class at BYD and my 31st overall. Because of my leg, I am somewhat relieved to have this 3 day break. I am also looking forward to having a few days of sweat-free twists... now to muster up the energy to wash them...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

That Was Fast!

Day 27, Class 29
5:30 with Susan

I received some much needed mental clarity this morning that helped to make my day and my practice great. My thoughts at work and during class were my own again. For that, I am most grateful. I also read a great quote that said. "Happiness is not a goal, it's a by-product".

Laughing Buddha

On the other hand, when I awakened this morning, I had a pain in my left hamstring origin- almost as if it wants to detach. I stretched a little this morning and applied some pressure this evening, but it didn't seemed to have helped for very long. The sensation kept returning, but it was not debilitating. I was really looking forward to practice, hoping that I would get some relief from something.

Hamstring Attachments
I continued to stretch before class, which is rare, but I think that it made a difference, because my first set of half-moon and back-bend were deeper than usual. In fact, everything was deeper than usual. By the way, I have sinus relief during Half-Moon. I've noticed this in every class, but keep forgetting to mention it. This is good to remember for when I'm really congested.

Whenever I had to stretch my legs, I was anticipating the irritation of my hamstring, but nothing made it worse. In fact, the ache was subsiding... until Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee. I think this may have been the culprit. I remember really going for it in Monday's class and I may have overstretched it by not fully contracting the quads. On the left, I could not straighten my knee without intense pain. Ouch!

Standing Separate Leg

Susan's teaching style includes so much physiology, life application, and wit. She's very good and very funny. Something that she said (ironically, I don't remember what), made me remember something that Rebecca had said the day before. She kept telling us not to let anything steal our peace... not the sweat, the heat, the teacher, the towel, or even the posture. Naturally, this should apply to the real world in not letting other people or life's problems steal our peace. Perhaps, what Susan said will return to me tomorrow.
This was a great class and I was fully prepared to take on another right away, as I will be out of town Thursday through Saturday. As of now, I am 3 days ahead, but by this weekend, I will be back even. I'm so glad I planned this whole thing out in advance. Let's keep it going!

Day 27, Class 30
7:30 with Susan

Class two with Susan, but I don't mind. I've never done a double with the same teacher. Whenever I do a double, I never know weather to hold back a little in the first, so I would have something left for the second or to go all out in the first and just make it through the second. Today, I had a really great 1st class and seemed to have a bunch left. I started going full-throttle in the second class. I continued throughout the entire class. The only problem was that my left leg was really starting to ache now. SSLHtK was really painful and on the floor, Left locust was difficult as well. Although, Locust felt higher than ever! This was the best 2nd class I've ever had! What a way to end 30 classes! Go Jada! Go Jada!

Susan reminded us that although it's hard to stay in the postures and it's hard to look into our eyes, we need to be thankful that we do have eyes to see and legs to stand on. I always use this perspective when encouraging exercise. In fact she and I share a lot of basic descriptions for why and how we move. A lot of what she says in yoga is what I have been telling my patients for years. I love it. Sometimes, it makes me think of becoming an instructor at some point, but I don't know that I will ever have the time, energy, desire and money all at the same time. We'll see...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Sweet and Sweaty

Day 26, Class 28
6:30 with Rebecca R.

I had a long day at work that lasted longer than usual, plus I'm still dealing with the emotional stress of this other junk. In other words, I did not want to go to class... nor did I want to do anymore doubles than I have to, so to class I go. The class was the fullest that I had seen in a while. Everybody wanted to practice yoga today.

OK- It wasn't THIS crowded, but still...

Rebecca started by adjusting people and laying down the rules regarding wiping sweat, wiggling around, adjusting clothes and even looking around. She is so sweet, but she's also pretty hardcore. She talks about not moving the towels during the three side postures and being able to practice yoga in any environment rather than adjusting the environment to practice yoga. I've never understood the purpose of moving the towels, so I don't and I only wipe that sweat when it's salty or lotion-y and getting into my eyes. Right now, as long as I am drinking plenty of water and washing my face before class. I'm good.

Yoga Anywhere

I was so glad that I pressed though to come to class, because my postures were actually looking and feeling pretty great. My Standing Bow Pulling pose was really nice on both sides and in both sets. The next time that they are feeling that good, I think that I will try to bring my supporting hand down from my ankle and closer to my knee, as is called for in the full posture.
This is a cute piece of jewelry that I may treat myself to when this is all over with.

During class, Rebecca gave all kinds of quotable nuggets, but I cannot not remember even one right now. I hope that they return to my conscience at some point when I really need them. In the meantime, my co-worker shared with me a quote from a guru on running, Dr. George Sheehan.

"Sweat cleanses from the inside. It comes from places a shower will never reach." That's exactly right. Sheehan and Bikram are both notoriously nuts about their practices. I wonder how they would feel about each other. Bikram calls running and most other sports, "mental masturbation" and Sheehan thinks that anyone who doesn't run is basically a wuss.

Day 26 came a lot faster than it did last year, maybe because I'm still going on beyond 30, or maybe I'm just in a different place in my practice and thoughts.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Hot Mama!

Day 25, Class 27
2:00 with Rebecca R.

Today is Mother's Day, the day I get to once again, celebrate my mommy! I attended the 2:00 class since it was between church and dinner. Both were great and so was class. After so many consecutive classes, there is a tendency just go through the motions and even get a little ahead of the instructor. Today, I decided to be very purposeful about listening to every single step and doing only and exactly that. I noticed a difference even in the first breathing exercise. Triangle felt very different, as well. There's something to to said for following directions. I was a little more focused. The few times that my mind did drift, I was able to bring it back. I had not been able to over the past few days.


My body still feels great, but I am supposed to be training for a marathon in October. I don't want to do anything that will cause injury and prevent me from completing this challenge. Maybe I will just do a little light jogging for now and start the real training in mid-July.

Mystery Mountain Marathon
October 11, 2009

I heard from Randy who is in California completing his Bikram teacher's training. The experience sounds amazing and I told him that I was both terrified and excited for him. He was singled out by Bikram on the very first day, in a positive way. That may backfire at some point as Bikram has already threatened to stand on Randy's back. WOW! I can't wait to hear more.

I hear it's not rare for this to happen.

I finally visited the BYD site to check out the challenge rules and prize categories. Eric upped the ante this year, but I am nearly halfway to the big prize, so it's all good. The prizes are:

Attend 30 classes in 35 days and receive a free 5 Class Card.
Attend 30 classes in 30 days and receive a free 10 Class Card.
Attend 60 classes in 65 days and receive a free 1 Month Unlimited Class Card

Last year, there was a 1 Month unlimited for 30 in 30. Oh well, "The benefits of a challenge come from a consistent practice more than how many classes you take", so says Eric. My schedule is currently set-up to complete 60 classes in 60 days by June 14. I am two days ahead right now, but I will be on a retreat this weekend and at a conference the next weekend, so I'll have a few more doubles to do in the meantime to stay on track.

Chateau Elan
Site of Ray of Hope Women's Retreat 2009

After class, I had a wonderful dinner with my mother at one of her favorite Atlanta Restaurants, TWO Urban Licks. I had the arugula salad and sea bass tacos. Yum!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Triple Double

Day 24, Class 25
9:00 with Ivy Claire

I went out with some of my girls last night and got home at 2 or so. I had to be awake by 5:30 to deliver a Boy Scout uniform to my nephew. I stayed up from that point meditating, surfing and piddling. I made a green smoothie and started my third consecutive day of doubles. OK, team, we can do it!

Oscar Robertson
Record holder for the most Triple-Doubles

The first class went very well. It was almost too easy. Not that Bikram is ever easy, per se, but I was quite pleased with my practice. I had the usual challenges, but nothing worth mentioning, or that I haven't mentioned before. It was all good! Ivy Claire did ask me to put my forehead all the way to the towel to receive the full benefits of Half-Tortoise. I did and it felt great. The problem is that I fear that's what contributes to my forehead acne attacks. I hope not. After the final Savasana, I jumped up, full of energy, to shower, change, and enjoy a Zico before class two...

Day 24, Class 26
11:00 with Eric

Where does one begin with this fiasco? I am almost certain that we did 317 repetitions of Pranayama breathing in the first set... maybe 316. The other postures were going well, then on Balancing Stick, I got lost. I couldn't remember which leg we were lifting. Mind you, I was lifting the correct one, but had to come out and look around to be sure. That was the beginning of the end. I think that I sat out the first set of Triangle and made it through the rest of the standing series only by the Grace of God. On my least hydrated days, I take no more than 3 water breaks, and that third one is after the final breathing. Today, I actually ran out of water.

Eric re-filled my bottle and I guzzled a little more. The spine strengthening series was hit or miss for me. I have no recollection of what I did, didn't do, or how well. I did remember to take my hair down for Fixed Firm... and I would have even if Eric had not asked me about it. I don't know if he saw me struggling or what, but he placed the fan directly in my line. Usually, the heat does not bother me, but the breeze does. Today, the heat was unbearable and the breeze was welcomed. Final postures... again, no idea. I did some of them, I hung out in some of them, I stayed in Savasana for one of them. I don't know! Heck! It was hot and I was hungry. I realized toward the end of class that I had not really eaten a full meal in a few days. Boys suck!

After class, I was reflecting on what was so different about that class and how to never ever have that experience again. It was a double, true. It was my 6th class in 3 days, true. I had another early morning, ok. I was still distracted by life, sure. I had not eaten, fine. It's all making sense. Any of those factors would create a challenging class. Then, more students entered the locker room saying how hot is was, how that one student's worst class in 6 years, how another kept falling out, and so on. I said, "Oh! I thought it was just me! It's good to know that everyone had a bad class." I was half joking. I talked to Eric about the class afterwards and even he said that it looked like a hard class, but that it was no hotter than usual according to the gauges. I am so glad that I can laugh this stuff off. I am certain that even with today's events, tomorrow could be my best class ever. I look forward to seeing how all of this manifests.

I have to do a double on Tuesday to make 30 BYD classes before I go on retreat. I can do it! I don't even know what I win. It's a good thing I was doing this for myself, first. The rewards are already numerous!