5:30 with Susan
I received some much needed mental clarity this morning that helped to make my day and my practice great. My thoughts at work and during class were my own again. For that, I am most grateful. I also read a great quote that said. "Happiness is not a goal, it's a by-product".

Laughing Buddha
On the other hand, when I awakened this morning, I had a pain in my left hamstring origin- almost as if it wants to detach. I stretched a little this morning and applied some pressure this evening, but it didn't seemed to have helped for very long. The sensation kept returning, but it was not debilitating. I was really looking forward to practice, hoping that I would get some relief from something.

Hamstring Attachments
I continued to stretch before class, which is rare, but I think that it made a difference, because my first set of half-moon and back-bend were deeper than usual. In fact, everything was deeper than usual. By the way, I have sinus relief during Half-Moon. I've noticed this in every class, but keep forgetting to mention it. This is good to remember for when I'm really congested.

Susan's teaching style includes so much physiology, life application, and wit. She's very good and very funny. Something that she said (ironically, I don't remember what), made me remember something that Rebecca had said the day before. She kept telling us not to let anything steal our peace... not the sweat, the heat, the teacher, the towel, or even the posture. Naturally, this should apply to the real world in not letting other people or life's problems steal our peace. Perhaps, what Susan said will return to me tomorrow.

Day 27, Class 30
7:30 with Susan
Class two with Susan, but I don't mind. I've never done a double with the same teacher. Whenever I do a double, I never know weather to hold back a little in the first, so I would have something left for the second or to go all out in the first and just make it through the second. Today, I had a really great 1st class and seemed to have a bunch left. I started going full-throttle in the second class. I continued throughout the entire class. The only problem was that my left leg was really starting to ache now. SSLHtK was really painful and on the floor, Left locust was difficult as well. Although, Locust felt higher than ever! This was the best 2nd class I've ever had! What a way to end 30 classes! Go Jada! Go Jada!

Susan reminded us that although it's hard to stay in the postures and it's hard to look into our eyes, we need to be thankful that we do have eyes to see and legs to stand on. I always use this perspective when encouraging exercise. In fact she and I share a lot of basic descriptions for why and how we move. A lot of what she says in yoga is what I have been telling my patients for years. I love it. Sometimes, it makes me think of becoming an instructor at some point, but I don't know that I will ever have the time, energy, desire and money all at the same time. We'll see...
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