10:00 with Meah
Because I went to bed so early after my exhausting double last night, I woke up at about 2:45a.m. and stayed up. I had an emotional setback from a relationship gone bad shortly after that. I used up hours of energy thinking and talking about it and really just wanted to stay in the bed all day. I mustered up the strength to get going and I'm glad that I did. However, I was very distracted. It was bad.
When I arrived at class, I realized that 3 towels that I had gotten up early to wash, were at home in the dryer. Seriously? Seriously. Then, I realized that I was too tired to eat after class last night and too sad, mad, disappointed, and disgusted to eat this morning. I was depleted in every way. The postures themselves were just ok, but my mind was elsewhere and at one point, I really just wanted to lay in Savasana for the rest of class. I got through it, but it wasn't pretty. After class, I think that I successfully talked a friend into taking the classes, even though mine was so miserable. I can't wait to see how that turns out.

Day 23, Class 24
4:30 with Rebecca R.
I returned to the afternoon class determined to redeem myself. There were a few others from the morning class who also returned. We're either really cool or really crazy. Right before class, I decided to purchase one more Yogitoes towel. This time, I bought a light blue "water". That outta do it... except there is a light pink one that I would love be have. I'd have to order it on-line. I'll check the yoga budget for the month.
I was feeling a little sore for the first time, but it was nothing that would hurt the practice too much. I felt pretty confident right from the beginning. My balance postures were decent and I even finished them gracefully. I was a bit tired by the time we got to the floor, not from the practice as much as just from being up and at 'em for so long. On the floor, Rebecca caught me hanging out in Spine Twist and I couldn't help but to smirk when she reminded me that I could wrap my hand around my back. The rest of the floor series was just fine and I feel as though redemption was mine. I am now one day ahead... sorta- the one day at Decatur Hot Yoga is hopefully not going to be the death of the 30 day challenge. I feel great and these past 24 classes have flown by! I am really excited about moving through each phase of the challenge.

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