5:30 With Eric
I stayed extra hydrated today so that I would have the energy to make it through both classes. Doubles at the end of the work week can be a challenge, but I was focused on doing it. In fact, I have another double planned for tomorrow, though not back-to-back. I set up in the front today. I only do that when I am really feeling good about my body and practice potential on that day. I tend to have a better class in the front row for whatever reason. Part of it is the pressure of setting a good example, part of it is pride, and a part of it is that I am close enough to actually see my own eyes in the mirror. I've got the power!

The class was small and full of seasoned practitioners. We each got lots of individualized attention. So, on the one hand, Eric didn't talk a lot when he didn't have to, but on the other hand, when he wanted to tweak someone's posture, it felt as though we were holding forever. I especially felt this way in Triangle, Standing Bow Pulling and Camel. I just focused on the benefits over the discomfort. In standing Bow, my ankle pain has just about resolved, but my arches are still on fire every time. If not for that, I could hold the posture longer and better. I am at least making it to the end more often than not these days. I think that I have the most dramatic step out (fall out) in class. I really do try to tone it down.

I popped up off my ankle at the end of both Toe Stands, but lost my balance both times. They were better yesterday, but I am going to continue to try it each class. My Locust has to be getting better. I wish I could see it. I am so close to my standing back bend! By my 34th birthday, I am going to be able to go down and come up without fear, loss of balance or pain.

In mentally preparing for a second class, I could not handle taking my hair down after Fixed Firm as I had been doing. What do ya know? After class, Eric talks to me again about my hair. I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! I vowed to take it down during the second class, which was my plan all along. This Savasana better be worth it!

I need to find this book!
Weebles Wobble but they don't fall down.

The class ended nicely and I was grateful to have completed them both. Tomorrow, we're doing it again!

Day 22, Class 22
7:30 With Ivy Claire
I followed the normal double routine: changed class space, took a shower, changed clothes and replenished my electrolytes. This time, I did it with a Zico coconut water instead of Emergen-C. Honestly, I don't feel a difference, except that the fizz in the latter was making me belch during the second class. The Zico worked out much better. A friend of mine said that she has been drinking it everyday throughout her pregnancy and feels great heading into her third trimester.

During this second class, I set up on the other side of the room and in the second row for a change of scenery and energy. I always get slightly distracted by what's going on outside or in the lobby when I'm over there, but I was focused on staying focused. Once, when I was trying to evaluate my focusedness (yes, I wrote that), Ivy Claire said, "you guys are sooooo focused!"

This was another intimate class and my first time having Ivy Claire since my return. She has a wonderfully calming energy and a practical way of explaining the postures. She spends less time making life applications, but she did say the one thing that I remember her saying at least a year ago, "You can do anything for 10 seconds!" I take that with me and have passed it along to many, many patients. I love it.

My balance was... let's just say, not the best that it's ever been. I even fell out of Eagle- twice. C'mon people? Eagle? That's one of my money postures. I was wobbly on the balancing postures, but I held them. Everything else went well, but I was happy to make it to the floor. The first half of the second class flew by.

My hair came out of the bun during the end of the standing series, which it had never done before. I guess Eric got his wish. I tried not to think about it, but hot, heavy hair on a hot, sweaty back during hot yoga... During the spine strengthening series, I let my hair fall to the front, looking like Cousin It again. There were a few class giggles and Ivy Claire even made drew the comparison. It was pretty funny, but there was no other way to get through that already challenging series with that hair on my back. I was fading after the first Fixed Firm. All of that turning and bending and compressing at the end of a second class always throws me off. I get lost in the last 5 postures every time. The next time, I am going to stay fully focused on where we are when.

The class ended nicely and I was grateful to have completed them both. Tomorrow, we're doing it again!
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