Thursday, April 30, 2009

On Second Thought

Day15, Class 17
5:30 with Eric

I am leaving for Cincinnati in the morning and have so much to do tonight and for some reason, I was completely exhausted at work. I made it to class, but did not know how much more I would do. Actually, when I got to class, I was feeling a double coming on. As I was changing, I realized that I had not repacked my bag at all. I only had the extra shorts and towel from a previous class... as in no top. I happened to have two tops in the car from a quick shopping trip last week. They were still in the back seat... sometimes it pays to be a little less mindful about keeping the car clean. With no extra clothes or towel, the double was becoming less and less likely. I wasn't late, but was one of the last to arrive. That had me left in the front row... the pressure. It's OK, I can be a good little Bikram student for 90 minutes.

Everything was working out well, but my mouth became unusually dry toward the end of the standing series. In most classes, I am typically fine with sipping water only during "party time" and after Toe Stand. Today, I was very, very thirsty. When I thought over my day, it occurred to me that I had not had any water, or anything else to drink beyond my good morning green smoothie. That is very unusual. Thoughts of dehydration began to consume me and the floor series was a wrap after that. I felt too weak to do anything fully. I realize that much of it was mental, but the physical piece was definitely there.

After Garurasana or Eagle is "Party Time"! It's the only official water break in class.

Works into twelve major joints of the body
Good for central nervous system
Facilitates lymphatic function, improving immune system
Improves mobility of hip joint
Improves balance
Strengthens legs
Good for varicose veins

Needless to say, thoughts of a second class this evening were completely out the door. This is not a good way to go on a 3 day Bikram break. I've got to hop to when I return. I'm only half-way looking forward to my weekend because I am trading the sunshine for rain... the rainbow will be watching my godson celebrate his 2nd year of life.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Don't Sweat The Petty Things

And Don't Pet the Sweaty Things...
Day 14, Class 16
6:30 with Susan

I arrived early for another great class. I had been worried about my back, but now that I am typing, I realize that the pain is likely caused by poor positioning at my laptop... I should consult a good occupational therapist.

I set up in the 2-mirrored corner. I forget how cool it gets back there, but I survived. Cool air seems like it would be welcomed in hot yoga, but it really just makes the sweat on my skin cold. During the balancing series, Susan talked about how we just need to learn to laugh at ourselves should we fall out of a posture. She reminded us again how it's always just practice and that we have the rest of our lives to get it right... good to think about.

Yoga Bear

My intermediate pose in Standing H2K was finally strong enough to move on, but when Susan asked me to, I fell... and giggled to myself. I was just happy that she made the recommendation to bend my elbows. I had never really felt balanced enough to do it. I do enjoy the consistency of being in her class for that reason. Because she sees my practice so often, she knows what I am capable of and gives me "permission" to move on through a posture. It also means that she knows when I'm slacking, like today when I was hanging out in triangle and she called me on it. I had to giggle then too.

Standing Bow Pulling pose felt really good today also. I like standing in the mirrored corner because I can get visual cues that I can't from any other part of the room. That really helps with certain postures. It can also be a distraction... have to find the right balance.

What I cannot see is Locust, but I have to be getting my legs higher. I can feel it! The rest of the floor series was good. I held back a bit on Camel because of my low back, but everything else was full out. I am now moving my forehead above my knee during Separate Leg H2K pose, which Susan encouraged me to do a few classes to go. Of course, it's getting easier each time. Progress!

Today is President Barack Obama's 100th day in office.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ya Never Know

Day 13, Class 15
7:30 with Rebecca R.

Today was my 15th class, which means that I am half-way through the 30-day studio challenge, but only 1/6 of the way through the crazy jada challenge. Friday, I have a break because I am going out of town and there is not Bikram or hot studio in the city. I need to do another double before I go just to break even. I'm already 2 classes up... sort of. I didn't sign in to my first double, so I don't know if they put me in the system or not. They knew I was there. Then I had that class in Decatur, which I don't expect them to count.
Day 15, but who's counting...

I had a few things to do before class that prevented me from attending the 5:30 class, so I was left with the 7:30 only. I was slightly paranoid that I would fall asleep and miss the class, so I kept myself occupied with 'stuff' until it was time to leave. I told the the ladies at the front desk that I don't do well with 7:30 and Rebecca said, "ya never know". Isn't that the truth? I placed my mat in my spot. It was funny that there was only one person set up in the front. I started to move forward, but I didn't. It was just enough that we were all there at 7:10, knowing that I am usually in bed by 8:45. I put it in my mind to have a great class and it was. I was thinking that it was a little cool, especially for the late class, but I didn't focus on it too much. My poor ankles are still taking a beating during the balancing series, but it's for their own good. They're getting a little stronger and less painful everyday. I know I keep saying that, but it's true. I'm almost afraid to run on them, they're doing so well.

I usually think that after I've gotten through the balancing series and did not fall to the ground during triangle, I've had a good class. Then I started thinking, what actually makes a good class? Is it hitting every posture perfectly as demonstrated by Bikram, himself? Is it finally getting into the full expression of an elusive posture? Is it being complimented by the instructor? Is it not being corrected by the instructor? Is it just completing both sets of all 26 without sitting out? Is it relief from a nagging joint or muscle pain? Is it reaching some major epiphany? Is it simply showing up to class? I don't know... I think, for me, it changes everyday. I'm a Libra. What can one expect?

Well, I did have a great class! I am over the first hump. I am bound and determined to make it. My mind and body are a team and we can do it!

Monday, April 27, 2009

No Sweat!

Day 12, Class 14
6:30 with Susan

Today was another great day for hot yoga... or maybe I'm just telling myself that. Just kidding! My body and I were looking forward to class all day. I think that in my determination to retrieve my back bend from the careless clench of my youth, I may have tweaked a little something in my right low back yesterday. I was stretching and massaging it all day. It was fine before class started. I arrived early to get what is becoming my favorite spot: 2nd row, left side. I have tried the right side, but toward the end of class when the teachers start opening the doors, it becomes too cool for me.

In class, I started sweating immediately, of course. I remember last year, during the 30-day, I got to a point where my sweat no longer tasted salty or burned my eyes. I have been looking forward to that day during this challenge. Well! Today is the day!! It's one of the ways I know that my body is ridding itself of toxins. While I felt like I was sweating much more today, I was loving the fact that it was tasteless and colorless, rather salty than cloudy. In class, I was so excited that I began putting together my words for tonight's blog. Suddenly during the Standing Separate Leg Stretching pose, I became lost in the blog and overcome with sweat. I could feel every single bead and really wanted to come out of the posture to handle it... and I'm really good at this posture. FOCUS! Stop thinking about the tasteless, colorless sweat that is slowly rolling down your face, up your back, into your ears, out of you nose, off your eyelashes and onto the mat. All of that detoxed sweat doesn't mean a thing. Don't even think about how to explain why or how it came to this point. You're in one of your favorite postures, stop thinking about what you'll name tonight's blog that will be about the magnanimous amount of spring water clear sweat drenching your very soul right this very minute. **CHANGE**

Dandayamana Bibhaktapada Paschimottanasana
Standing Separate Leg Stretching Pose

Increases circulation to the brain and adrenal glands
Centres nervous system
May be good for depression
Good for constipation
Helps reduce abdominal obesity
Helps with diabetes and hyper-acidity
Releases lower back
Exercises muscular, adrenal and reproductive systems

Seriously, focus. I finally got my mind right and was able to complete the standing series without drowning in sweat and thoughts of sweat. Susan helped me with my Standing SL HtoK. Basically, when the Sartorious in the front leg feels as though it is going to rip from its tendons, I'm doing it right. During the pose, I tried to bring my hands back to prayer rather early. My balance was a little off, but I am going to keep working on it. On the floor, I tired to take it easy because I didn't want my back to flair up again. It's feeling great right now. My hair came out of its loose bun after Half-Tortoise. I can handle it and I will have some great Savasanas as a result. Eric would be proud! My next Savasana felt... very different. My neck did not feel weak, but I felt as though my head were sinking into the ground, below my body. I also felt like my body was tilted. It felt pretty nice after the first 10 seconds... just very different.

That sinking feeling...

OMG! This stuff is all over the place. All of this flipping and turning and bending and reaching with the hair is a mess! When is class over? How many more postures do we have? Where are the scissors? Does anybody have any scissors? *Exhale* Final breathing exercise. It's over. The sweat. The hair. Wait. It really wasn't bad at all. Seriously, it was a great class. No sweat!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Eye Soar

Day 11, Class 13
4:00 with Susan
Now it seems that no matter what day or time I go to class, I have Susan. I don't mind; she leads a really great practice. Today, I was 30 minutes early after yesterday's near disaster. It was so hot outside that I couldn't imagine going anywhere hotter on purpose, but there I was. I set up, stretched, relaxed and dozed off a little before class.
This is one of my favorite stretches before class.

There's not much to say about this practice except that I am getting a little stronger, deeper and more focused every day. The balancing series causes less pain in my ankle with each class and the intense ankle pain during Fixed Firm is virtually... manageable. It's not completely gone, but they never did like that posture very much. I felt like my first Locust was quite high, but I can never see it to be sure. When I get a little further along, I want to have someone to take my pictures in each posture somewhere beautiful. I would love to see what I look like... I think.
Salabhasana- Locust

Increases spinal strength & flexibility
Helps prevent lower backache
Helps cure lumbago, rheumatism & arthritis of the spine
Relieves menstrual problems (irregularity, cramps, backache) Cures tennis elbow Firms buttocks & hips

I'm certain it wasn't this high, but definitely higher than usual.

Susan said that the eyes are the first line of communication to the nervous system. I think she's right. We have all kinds of physical reactions based upon what we see. We can use that mode for production or destruction. Eye know what I'll choose. When I look into the mirror or look at my pictures, I will look on with love and pride and appreciation even if every posture is not perfect.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

It's Getting Hot in Herrrrre

Day 10, Class 12
4:30 with Heath at Decatur Hot Yoga

I started the day with the Ray of Hope prayer breakfast, featuring Rev. Millicent Hunter. It was awesome! Each woman there was truly blessed. My perspective on many aspects of my life has evolved as a result of hearing that Word. In attending the breakfast, I missed the Saturday a.m. classes at the studio. I had no choice but to wait until the 4:00 class on this bee-yoo-ti-ful day. This is as close to dreading a class as I've come since beginning the challenge, but it was only because I wanted to play in the sunshine.

Prince- "Play in the Sunshine" from Sign o' the Times

Because *insert excuse*, I was literally 2 minutes late for class and the doors were indeed locked. This has never happened to me before. I peeked in and the class was already on Pranayama Breathing. I couldn't be mad, especially since I was two classes ahead. I did pout a little, walked to my car and planned a massive takeover of Ross and/or Target. I pulled into the plaza parking lot, then began to weigh my options. I can always shop for cute junk that I won't use or wear, but I could also take a run around Stone Mountain. More than anything, my body was ready for Bikram. I looked up information for Decatur Hot Yoga. I had never been, but I was willing to go for the experience. I've heard great things about it... I'm not looking for a new studio, I just wanted to drop in for today. Guess what. There was a hot class starting at 4:30. Again with the weaving through Decatur, I made it back downtown in the nick of time! I was sweating already. They were expecting me and I was grateful that they held the class while I paid, registered, and got settled. The studio was very cute and I was open to something new in my favorite part of town.

Downtown Decatur Courthouse

The first thing that I noticed was that the mat set-up was different, but the same as another studio that I once visited... can't remember which one. The mats were parallel to the front mirror and not everyone used a top towel. I can adapt. This was no big deal. The next thing I noticed was Heath's very calming tone, which my-frazzled-self really needed. I relaxed enough to notice that I was showing the most skin. Apparently, I was the only one auditioning for a Nelly video after class. I always practice in boy shorts and a bra top. I don't seem to stand out as much in my own studio. This bothered me for about 18 seconds, then I moved on to thoughts that would improve, rather than hinder my practice.

Nelly- I can help him with his Pranayama breathing...
"I am getting so hot, I wanna take my clothes off"

I was hotter than normal and I did not know whether it was the day itself, the room, or me. I can't spend any energy figuring it out, so I just used the heat to deepen the postures and increase my mental stamina. I had a really nice class and I even got a "beautiful, Jada" on my Standing Bow Pulling Pose. I must have been trying to rep my studio, because I held each balancing posture for the designated times and felt great. In my mind, I was not going to tell the instructor where I practice. However, on my way down to Balancing Stick, I noticed my eco-BYD-water bottle. I was sure that he had as well. I never know if there is any beef between studios in the same area and in particular, Bikram studios vs. Hot classes.
Tuladandasana- Balancing Stick aka Heart Attack Prevention Posture

The forward tilt of the torso sends high-speed blood pouring into the heart, especially the neglected lower region, cleaning out the veins and all the arteries, strengthening the heart muscle. The same rejuvenating flood rushes into the brain as well. It is one of the best exercises for bad posture and heart health. Naturally, it also strengthens the power of concentration.

My standing series felt really great and Heath gave us the opportunity to acknowledge our practice with out hands in Namascar before turning the mats, then going to the ground. I only rationale that I can come up with for this set-up is that everyone has a clear view of themselves in the front mirrors during Triangle, which is a good thing... speaking of Triangle, Heath called the posture "Bikram's Triangle". That closed the case on something that had crossed my mind. Bikram's Triangle is indeed different from the traditional Triangle, but I never heard anyone acknowledge that.

On the floor, things started to change a little. The postures
themselves were the same, but there were a few additions and deletions throughout the series in between postures. After Fixed Firm, which Heath called something else, we rested in a Child's Pose. That felt really nice, but is not a part of the Bikram practice. I welcomed it without judgement. Also, there were fewer Savasanas and Sit-ups in between postures. This made the floor series have a different flow- not better or worse, just different. Just before the final breathing exercise, Heath turned out the lights; only a few candles in the front illuminated the room. This was different for me because I usually take this time to exchange energy through my own eyes in the mirror at the end of class. I missed that. However, the night-night lighting was great for the Final Savasana...

Then, just when I thought it was over, I could not believe this: Heath returned to the room to place a cool, wet, lavender infused hand-towel over each pair of eyes. I was in heaven and felt fully rewarded for having pressed my way to class. I began thinking about my conversation with ladies the day before regarding having to rush out of class. I can bet that they would find a few minutes to wait on these gems at the end of class. I often lose track of time after class, but I know that I must have lay there for an additional 3-5 minutes while I tried to inhale and absorb every ounce of lavender. *breathe*

After class, Heath invited me to attend their Silent Bikram class. I was honored and intrigued. I have never attended a silent class. The idea is that other practitioners are in the room, practicing at the same time, but each is his or her own teacher. That sounds divine. I am going to consider dropping into some of these classes when I have completed the first 30 days at my studio. I would love to expand my practice in this way. I am so glad that God and I made a way to attend this class... I didn't want anymore doubles than I had to have.

Friday, April 24, 2009

It's Friday, You Ain't Got No Job...

Day 9, Class 11
10:00 with Susan

I typically do not work on Fridays. So Fridays are always great, but Fridays as beautiful as this one are absolutely magnificent! The weather is absoultely perfect: clear, sunny, and breezy. I am bound and determined to start using my reusable tote bags during shopping... so I got up early and went to buy a few more. Target has... had some pink and green ones on clearance. I scooped them up before class, now I'll never forget...

I was one of the first to arrive in class, so I had the opportunity to talk with another student who I just found out is going to Bikram training on Sunday- for 2 months. That is wonderful. This man is already such an inspiration. He has been doing Bikram doubles for months. Last week, I was feeling as if he were there every time I was, no matter when I was. Now I know why.

Pops to Craig in Friday: "How come every time I'm in the kitchen, you in the kitchen?"

This will be great. The other studios that I have visited have a lot of male teachers. My studio only has one, and he's the owner. It will be good for some of the male students to have that additional masculine presence at the studio. I'm so excited for him! The training sounds amazing. Hmmm... Should I...?

I walked into class with some of the pains of womanhood, hoping that the heat would help. It did. Today's class was awesome! It was an intimate group, but the energy was great. I think that everybody had a really nice class. My Standing Bows lasted and with less pain in the ankles. My Toe Stands were great! I am really getting a little deeper in each pose and the heat is a non-issue, for the most part. That sweltering feeling does go away with more practice. During Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee, when we are to go for that "choked feeling" to stimulate the thyroid, parathyroid and pituitary glands, Susan mentioned that we should just appreciate the posture right then for all of its benefits, rather than thinking about when we're coming out. She then weaved that same mindset into our daily living, stating that we should always appreciate the present and learn the lessons and see the blessings in every moment... I'm paraphrasing... but it was just a nice reminder to slow down in all things. I can't understand why non-Bikram yogis think that there is no spiritual component to this style. I gain plenty of insight from each class that I can fully incorporate into my life.

Alicia Keys- "I don't wanna forget that the present is a gift..."
Like You'll Never See Me Again

After class, in the changing room, there was a discussion about the final 2-minute Savasana. At my studio, we honor the full-expression (duration) of the posture and are instructed not to leave until the music is piped into the room. That is always 2 minutes after the teacher has left the room. It was instilled in me from the very beginning that that was, indeed the final posture, not just an optional time of rest. Just as we would not be able to skip or shorten any other posture, we should not this one. Some students were saying that they had to leave for other obligations. I really just feel as though class is over when it's over. I mentioned that I've not seen other studios use the music as a cue- the 2 minutes is more of a suggestion than a mandate. Each time, several students begin getting up at 15 seconds and even if they are not talking, it does interrupt the intended stillness of the posture and the absorption of the previous 88 minutes. I'm not saying that it's easy to lie there during that time. I'm not saying that there aren't days when the 2 minutes feels like 10 and I start imagining the song signal in my head. I'm simply saying that I appreciate and understand the reason for the instructions at the end. I was in the minority, but on the side of the person in charge, so there!

Today would have been a great day for back to back classes, but I had to move on to another appointment. I left the option open to return to the 4:30 class. I ended up enjoying the rest of the beautiful day at Atlantic Station. No worries. I love Fridays!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

My Life Source

Day 8, Class 10
3:30 with Tara

Thursdays are my Fridays and this Thursday ended for me early, so I am ready for the weekend, Baby! I was able to leave work in time to attend the 3:30 class, which I have never been able to do. This was good because I had a dinner planned with a few nutrition colleagues at 7, so now I won't be late. I was feeling good until I got to the massive road construction slow down at Clairemont and North Druid Hills. I began thinking that I was not going to make it to class after all. I started to breathe, meditate, visualize and set my intention on... OK, I weaved my way to the front of the line and the lights worked in my favor. I made it!

Outkast- "Feeling Good, Feeling Great. How are you?"

I arrived to meet a visiting teacher. I always enjoy hearing from new teachers, because they add different perspectives to the same postures that allow my body and my mind to process them in a variety of ways. This experience was no different. The class was small, so Tara was able to give lots of personal feedback, encouragement and attention. That was great. My challenging postures in the balancing series are not perfect, but are under my control. My ankles really are feeling better throughout class and beyond. Each class, I am also getting stronger in Triangle... may be the reason for that "open hip" feeling that I have right now (ouch!). I really pushed it today and yesterday. But the posture is so great, I'm excited to be reaping all of the benefits.

Trikanasana- Triangle works every muscle, tendon, joint and internal organ in the body.

Number one posture for the hip joint
Firms thighs and hips
Slims waist
Helps with rheumatism and lumbago in the lower spine
Improves crooked spines Minimizes "saddlebags"

During spine strengthening, Tara reminded us that our spines are our life's source. She went on to say that if we didn't have legs, we could live, although it may be a challenge. We could also live without arms, but we'd have to find different ways to get things done. But without our spine, she said, we couldn't live at all. As an OT, she's speaking my language. That gave me even more of a reason to push, pull, kick and hold with 110% effort during the floor series. I've even started bringing my knees closer together in Camel during the last two classes... looking for a Limbo contest to enter and win!
April is OT Month!

After class, I gladly encouraged two new students. One was convinced that she would never return. I told her to increase her hydration, read a little more about the practice and give it another try. The studio owner was trying to convince her of the same as I was leaving. I hope that he was successful. I left to go to my monthly meeting with fellow ATL world changers a.k.a. health counselors from Integrative Nutrition. We are an awesome group of people! I say that with as much humility as possible.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Boycott Bikram on Earth Day?

I've made tiny efforts over the past 10 or 12 years to become more green. I choose professional and personal products that are Earth-friendly; I support local farmers; I drive fuel efficient vehicles; and recently, I've started purchasing Terra Passes to offset my carbon footprint as I fly. Even the marketing materials for my business are printed on recycled paper with soy ink ( I do need to stop using so many water bottles, recycle more consistently, and turn the water off while I'm brushing my teeth. I'm working at it, but it's not easy.

Kermit THE Frog singing "It's Not Easy Being Green"

Earth Day History- From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Earth Day, celebrated in the US on April 22nd, is a day designed to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's environment. It was founded by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teacher in 1970 and is celebrated in many countries every year. Senator Nelson chose the date as the one that could maximize participation on college campuses for what he conceived as an environmental teach-in. He determined that the week of April 19-25 was the best bet. It did not fall during exams or spring breaks, did not conflict with religious holidays such as Easter or Passover, and was late enough in spring to have decent weather. More students were likely to be in class, and there would be less competition with other events mid-week, so he chose Wednesday, April 22. Asked whether he had purposely chosen Lenin's 100th birthday, Nelson explained that with only 365 days a year and 3.7 billion people in the world, every day was the birthday of ten million living people. “On any given day, a lot of both good and bad people were born,” he said. “A person many consider the world’s first environmentalist, Saint Francis of Assisi, was born on April 22."

So if I'm so focused on the environment, why would I expend so much energy heating up the Earth with Bikram yoga? To practice properly, I must drive to a studio that is constantly heated- the yoga room being at least 105 degrees all throughout the day- and must be cleaned to decrease mold and mildew. As an individual practitioner, I also need a towel to absorb the dripping sweat, a washing machine and detergent (for clothes and towel), and a shower immediately afterwards + another towel. Is my Bikram practice killing the Earth? This must be the real reason that Bikram is called "Yoga's Bad Boy"

Sean "Puff Daddy" "Puffy" "P. Diddy" Diddy" "No Bitchassness" Combs
Bad Boy Entertainment

The Reality

In General, it’s true that Bikram yoga is practiced in a heated room. But the energy expended to heat the room may be less damaging to the environment than one would think. Bikram yoga studios are thoroughly insulated to keep the heat in the room and the warmth is generated through both heat and humidity. newer studios have sophisticated heating systems that function efficiently to heat the room then shut off. In Atlanta, conditions inside the room are, for most of the year, not dissimilar to conditions outside. Little is required of the internal heating system to help the room become warm and humid. Specifically, at my studio, we are advised not to use plastic water bottles during class. They are not sold at the studio (as I've seen at some studios). We are encouraged to invest in an eco-friendly water bottle instead. If we do happen to use plastic, we are not permitted to dispose of them at the studio. The studio owner makes great strides in encouraging all of us to decrease our carbon footprint as much as possible. He even invests in green soaps, papers (toilet paper, facial tissue, paper towels) for our use.

SIGG Water Bottle

Speaking as an occupational therapist, I can say that heat is very therapeutic for people who suffer from problems with joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments. There are students who are elderly, who have had joint replacements, who have had serious neck and back injuries, and others who simply benefit from the way the heat allows them to work deep into the body without injury. So, while it’s important to be kind to the environment, there is nothing wasteful about a heated yoga class in which people can restore their health. Obviously, I am not boycotting Bikram today or any other day. Maybe I'll step my green game up by getting a PVC-free mat.

Eco-Mat: PVC Free, Biodegradable, Hypoallergenic, Sold only in pieces of 6 or more

Day 7, Class 9
6:30 with Susan

I am 10% of the way there! I arrived at class, expecting to meet a friend there whom I thought I had convinced to join me. I did not hear from her before (or after) class. I moved on. Today, I wanted my practice to be about grace. I set up my space and then the most graceful student in the class set up next to me. It was wonderful. While I am usually quite focused on my own practice, I did take some peripheral cues from her, just to slow myself down at the end of postures. It worked.

Grace Jones

I am needing to understand why my left-stretching Half-Moon is only about half as deep as my right stretching, when I do not feel those restrictions at other times- either in or out of class. My balancing series is improving slowly. At least I am no longer feeling nauseous when I am in the postures. My ankles continue to be painful and my arches are still easily fatigued, but I am not going to let either of these prevent me from holding a posture that I would be able to otherwise. My ankles will thank me when I increase my running program.

Wilma Rudolph
Tennessee State University Tigerbelle, U.S. Olympic Gold Medalist, Polio Survivor

I planted two great Tree Stands in honor of Earth day and my Toe Stands were pretty good... my Triangles were good too! I am really sitting into my hips and am living to tell about it. On the floor, I decided to really work. I realized that at times, I really just hang out in some of the floor postures. Not today. I really worked! In Locust, Full-Locust, Bow, and even Half-Tortoise. In Camel, I moved my knees a little closer together. I'm not joking about the return of this back bend!

Ardha – Kurmasana or Half-Tortoise
Benefits include:
Provides maximum relaxation
Cures indigestion & stretches lower part of the lungs, increasing blood circulation to the brain
Firms abdomen & thighs
Increases the flexibility of hip joints, scapula, deltoids, triceps & latissimus dorsi muscles

I'm still a little congested, so my breathing was interesting. I'm hoping that my nose-blowing was not too distracting. I'm adding another tic mark to the wall! After class, I was famished. I had a big lunch, too. I don't know why I was so hungry. I stopped at Target to pick up a few items... and even on Earth Day, I left the freakin' reusable bags in the freakin' trunk! I bought two more, as usual. I have to come up with a better plan of action for utilizing my plethora of green bags.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Keep the Bumps, Give Me Back the Spine

As a hypermobile teenager, I always had the best jumps in cheerleading and only did pretend stretching before gymnastics and track meets, never sustaining a serious sports-related injury in childhood. I also never suffered with acne.

A little Noxema carried me well through college.

Now, as a 33 year old woman, I have cracks and pops with every step, I can't do a back bend from standing, and I am dealing with a progressive break-out on my forehead. I was blaming it on the yoga- Half-Tortoise pose, in particular, until a friend mentioned a recent acne attack on her Facebook page. Suddenly, an outpouring of support rang out from 30something year old women with similar hormone-related skin care issues. As long as we're going back 20 years, why can't we bring back my effortless flexibility, instead of these horribly annoying and unattractive bumps?

Day 6, Class 7
5:30 with Rebecca R.

Before I left work, I began feeling like I could pull off a double. I stopped at Sports Authority and bought another outfit and planned to just rent a towel. I really need to purchase another towel, but that's a different issue. I got to class with plenty of time to stretch and focus. The practice was good with no major changes from previous classes. I am definitely finding my rhythm. I decided that I would like to be a more graceful yogi, which means that I want to float out of all postures with control, instead of falling and stumbling out of them. I'm adding that to my to-do list... really. That's one of my goals at the end of this.

Genetically tattooed butterfly
During class, it occurred to me that I never tell myself to "go for it" and then just stand there. I always give full effort and whether I fall out or not is of no concern. My body has received the full benefits of the posture for that time. Likewise, when I never tell myself to hold back and then find myself in the full expression of some beautiful posture. Either way, the success of each posture begins in my own head before I move a single muscle or take another breath. I get to decide.

Rebecca has a wonderful way with words. At the end of class today, she said something like, 'when we focus on the good parts of our lives more than the bad parts, we create an actual shift toward positivity that begins with a simple thought'. She said it better, but I have the gist. I love it and I honestly try to live that everyday.

"Your life is your garden, your thoughts are the seeds. If your life isn't awesome, you've been watering the weeds".

Day 6, Class 8
7:30 with Susan

This was my second back to back class of the challenge, but the first in the evening. I have never been great at 7:30 classes. But on this day, I was motivated to do it and I prepared for it. I moved my set-up to the two mirror corner, just in case. In between classes, I showered, changed, ate some granola, drank some Emergen-C and practiced my back bend. I am determined to get that back. I am going to practice everyday outside of class. I was a little off balance during the standing series, but I gave everything full effort. I was hit or miss with kicking and holding various postures, but nothing was horrible. I was happy to had made it that far.

During the floor series, it hit me: pure exhaustion. I don't think that I was as tired from the previous class as I was from not being in my own bed at 8:30. After a while, Susan's sweet voice began to sound like Charlie Brown's teacher. It was bad. I totally lost focused and hoped that I could muster up the energy to drive home. I can usually hardly wait until the music comes on after the final Savasana, but this time, I missed it. I actually fell asleep. More than half of the students had left by the time I came to. I made it home, but I'm fading now.... Namaste.

Mental Note: Keep 7:30p classes to a minimum.