Works into twelve major joints of the body
Good for central nervous system
Facilitates lymphatic function, improving immune system
Improves mobility of hip joint
Improves balance
Strengthens legs
Good for varicose veins
A Journey and Journal of Conquering Feats and Fears for a Change
Increases spinal strength & flexibility
Helps prevent lower backache
Helps cure lumbago, rheumatism & arthritis of the spine
Relieves menstrual problems (irregularity, cramps, backache) Cures tennis elbow Firms buttocks & hips
I'm certain it wasn't this high, but definitely higher than usual.
After class, Heath invited me to attend their Silent Bikram class. I was honored and intrigued. I have never attended a silent class. The idea is that other practitioners are in the room, practicing at the same time, but each is his or her own teacher. That sounds divine. I am going to consider dropping into some of these classes when I have completed the first 30 days at my studio. I would love to expand my practice in this way. I am so glad that God and I made a way to attend this class... I didn't want anymore doubles than I had to have.
Trikanasana- Triangle works every muscle, tendon, joint and internal organ in the body.
Kermit THE Frog singing "It's Not Easy Being Green"
Earth Day History- From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Earth Day, celebrated in the US on April 22nd, is a day designed to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's environment. It was founded by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teacher in 1970 and is celebrated in many countries every year. Senator Nelson chose the date as the one that could maximize participation on college campuses for what he conceived as an environmental teach-in. He determined that the week of April 19-25 was the best bet. It did not fall during exams or spring breaks, did not conflict with religious holidays such as Easter or Passover, and was late enough in spring to have decent weather. More students were likely to be in class, and there would be less competition with other events mid-week, so he chose Wednesday, April 22. Asked whether he had purposely chosen Lenin's 100th birthday, Nelson explained that with only 365 days a year and 3.7 billion people in the world, every day was the birthday of ten million living people. “On any given day, a lot of both good and bad people were born,” he said. “A person many consider the world’s first environmentalist, Saint Francis of Assisi, was born on April 22."