Day 14, Class 16
6:30 with Susan
I arrived early for another great class. I had been worried about my back, but now that I am typing, I realize that the pain is likely caused by poor positioning at my laptop... I should consult a good occupational therapist.

I set up in the 2-mirrored corner. I forget how cool it gets back there, but I survived. Cool air seems like it would be welcomed in hot yoga, but it really just makes the sweat on my skin cold. During the balancing series, Susan talked about how we just need to learn to laugh at ourselves should we fall out of a posture. She reminded us again how it's always just practice and that we have the rest of our lives to get it right... good to think about.

My intermediate pose in Standing H2K was finally strong enough to move on, but when Susan asked me to, I fell... and giggled to myself. I was just happy that she made the recommendation to bend my elbows. I had never really felt balanced enough to do it. I do enjoy the consistency of being in her class for that reason. Because she sees my practice so often, she knows what I am capable of and gives me "permission" to move on through a posture. It also means that she knows when I'm slacking, like today when I was hanging out in triangle and she called me on it. I had to giggle then too.

Standing Bow Pulling pose felt really good today also. I like standing in the mirrored corner because I can get visual cues that I can't from any other part of the room. That really helps with certain postures. It can also be a distraction... have to find the right balance.

What I cannot see is Locust, but I have to be getting my legs higher. I can feel it! The rest of the floor series was good. I held back a bit on Camel because of my low back, but everything else was full out. I am now moving my forehead above my knee during Separate Leg H2K pose, which Susan encouraged me to do a few classes to go. Of course, it's getting easier each time. Progress!

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