What Was I Drinking... I Mean Thinking?
Last June, I decided to take my yoga practice to a higher level with a 30-day challenge. That means 30 days of yoga in no more than 35 days. Point of fact, it was 30 days of HOT YOGA in no more than 35 days... in the month of June... in Atlanta... crazy, right? But I did it and I felt great the entire time. My practice and appreciation for the practice deepened tremendously. My body looked great, but my hair was a mess!
This year, I am taking it to the next level still. I am opting for an insane 90-day challenge. That's right! 90 Bikram Yoga classes in 90 days. Because I work, travel and actually do have a life, I have had to make arrangements and sacrifices to meet this goal. Part of the excitement is being able to visit various Bikram studios while I travel. I have been to the one in Memphis and the one on South Beach. I have practiced at the one in Times Square, which I will visit in June and I am looking forward to going to the one in Phoenix, which I will also visit in June. I was so excited to learn that it was only 2 miles from my hotel and that they have 6am classes- since I don't sleep while I'm on the west coast.
This is my studio!
"It's not the heat, it's the humility"
Bikram 90-Day Challenge
Day 1, Class 1
5:30 with Susan
I missed the official first day because between getting there from work and meeting with friends for dinner, the early evening class was too early and the late evening class was, well too late. I didn't beat myself up about it. I simply adjusted the timeline... and made day 1 a two-a-day. I can do that. Other people do it. If other people can, I most certainly can!
In Bikram yoga, the recommendation is to drink 20-30 oz of water per hour of practice, in addition to the daily hydration recommendations. What did I drink yesterday? I drank a green smoothie, half of a grape Fanta (I know, I know), and 20 oz of water. How many of you mystery buffs know that this is not going to turn out well?

My mouth becoming dry before class even started should have been a sign... I was actually OK for the first few, OK the first 2 poses. After that, we started going down. I mean that literally. I was holding previously manageable postures for less time and was completely unable to complete the first two balancing postures. Those are among the most challenging for me, which also make them my favorites. I had to sit down, then lay down, then sit back up, then sip some water, then belch, then... Belch! Nice! It was that tasty vegetable lasagna that was holding me back. OK! I'm back in the game. I completed the rest of the class with minimal difficulties after that. One of the reasons that I love this crazy practice is because I can feel the positive effects almost immediately. Although, I must say that completing a second class was no longer at the top of my to-do list. I can make it up later, or not.

Dandayamana Dhanurasana
Yeah... didn't do this one...
Best Posture: Ustrasana- Camel pose- I felt really good about this very challenging posture that has so many wonderful benefits including stimulating the nervous system, activating the digestinve system, stretching the throat, strengthening back and shoulder muscles and relieving back pain.
Posture that could use a little help: Clearly the two that I more-or-less skipped.
Physical benefits of class one: The right ankle that has been bothering me since my half-marathon 3 weeks ago, is 75% better. I am looking forward to today's classes to get me back to 100%.
Mental benefits of class one: As Bikram himself says, it is truly "the mind over the matter". I tell my patients all of the time that their movements always begin (and end) in the mind. I am carrying their strength, resilience, and persistence with me as I go on this journey, to make me a better therapist and a better person.
Now, I must drink. Class in 3 hours...
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