Because of an early morning client cancellation, I was able to once again attempt back-to-back Bikram classes. That's more than 180 minutes in more than 105 degrees. I am morning person; I am properly nourished and hydrated; and most importantly, I am determined to do this. I can do it!
Yes We Can!Well, I raced to class from an unfamiliar part of town (meaning probable directional challenges) and made it inside by a hair... ugh! I forgot my towel. That's all right. I won't be deterred. I rented a towel, filled my water bottle and had just a few moments of a pre-class Savasana... right in the front of class because that was the only clear space available. Now, I must be a good example. No pressure.
I love these towels! They work even better when I bring them to class.
Overall, I held my own, so to speak. My ankles still catch fire during the balancing series, but I can feel that they are both getting stronger. My Standing Head to Knee still leaves a lot to be desired, but I was at least able to kick out on the right during the second set... we're getting there.
Fire Down Below!
Although I typically set up in the second row, I do think that I have a better practice when I'm in the front. I felt great during the first class and just attempted each posture as it came and let it go when it was over. The best part was that I finally reclaimed my Toe Stand! I was decent on the right and rock solid on the left, even lifting my gaze right before the "CHANGE"! My body loves a good Toe Stand. It receives strengthening of the abdominal muscles, the major joint pairs and mind-body focus. Obviously, I receive a tremendous sense of accomplishment.
Not This Toe Stand
The floor postures felt wonderful- I even stayed awake the whole time- and I am already seeing the positive effects of the spine strengthening series. I love when the instructors make the connection between Bikram and life. In Full Locust the heart rate increases tremendously and uses all muscle groups at once for 10 seconds, then ends suddenly... Savasana. The teacher reminded us of the importance of being able to make those shifts seamlessly in real life to decrease anxiety, fears and other kinds of stress. Nice. Life is good. WOW! Finished already? I can do this. I can do this! Second class: here I come.

Class 4
11:00 with Eric
At the end of the first class, I meditated in my final Savasana a little longer than usual, mostly appreciating myself for the first class and visualizing the second. I was nervous and excited at the same time. I got up, finished my water, replenished some vitamins, took a shower, changed clothes and re-set my space in the room. I started to move from the front for this class, but I was feeling and appreciating the energy, so I stayed.
The acai' berry is an important Superfood with many antioxident benefits... but the Emergen-C is great in any flavor.
Honestly, it felt as though we did no fewer than 100 repetitions of Pranayama Breathing. This class is going to last forever, I thought. The pace did pick up and both my energy and my postures were good. It's amazing how much more deeply I was able to get into the postures right away during the second class- most notably, Half Moon. I was really deep during both sets and with good form, even.
Ardha Chandrasana With Pada-Hastasana Half Moon Pose with Hands To Feet Pose
The balancing series felt great during this class! I was kicking and holding and focusing with everything. I still struggle to keep my arms at my ears during Balancing Stick, but I know how to adjust, so I will keep working in that direction. What I do not always know how to adjust is Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee. One hip is always higher, but I cannot sense when they're even. I think I'm going to ask for a little help with that one. As for the Toe Stand, this time... GOT 'EM! Both sides!!

Bikram and wife, Rajashree, in Toe Stand: Padangustasana
We rolled through the standing series and I gave myself a little smile before settling into the first Savasana. I was still feeling great in my body. It was not easy by any means, but I was getting it done, doing it well and not feeling sick or sore. During the spine strengthening series, I tried something new... I am absolutely amazed at the difference in neck stretching there is between placing my cheek on the towel vs. placing my ear on the towel... as instructed. HEY! I can only follow so many instructions at a time. It was my time to finally 'hear' that and now I receive it. EAR ON TOWEL. Got it!
Somewhere in India, that I must visit!
Apparently, all of that processing took every bit of mental energy that I had left, because after that, I could no longer remember which postures came next, where I needed to be for the posture or what I needed to place, hold, squeeze, or release. I suddenly became totally loopy, right at the home 'stretch'. I almost came out of Camel pose both times, but I held on, with hips forward, even. So now fast forward to the final breathing exercise, mostly because I don't recall anything else. We're done! We did it! We did it!! Two classes in a row by 12 :30p. It's now time to enjoy this "Positively Beautiful Day"...been listening to India all morning.

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