7:30 with Rebecca R.
Today was my 15th class, which means that I am half-way through the 30-day studio challenge, but only 1/6 of the way through the crazy jada challenge. Friday, I have a break because I am going out of town and there is not Bikram or hot studio in the city. I need to do another double before I go just to break even. I'm already 2 classes up... sort of. I didn't sign in to my first double, so I don't know if they put me in the system or not. They knew I was there. Then I had that class in Decatur, which I don't expect them to count.

I had a few things to do before class that prevented me from attending the 5:30 class, so I was left with the 7:30 only. I was slightly paranoid that I would fall asleep and miss the class, so I kept myself occupied with 'stuff' until it was time to leave. I told the the ladies at the front desk that I don't do well with 7:30 and Rebecca said, "ya never know". Isn't that the truth? I placed my mat in my spot. It was funny that there was only one person set up in the front. I started to move forward, but I didn't. It was just enough that we were all there at 7:10, knowing that I am usually in bed by 8:45. I put it in my mind to have a great class and it was. I was thinking that it was a little cool, especially for the late class, but I didn't focus on it too much. My poor ankles are still taking a beating during the balancing series, but it's for their own good. They're getting a little stronger and less painful everyday. I know I keep saying that, but it's true. I'm almost afraid to run on them, they're doing so well.

I usually think that after I've gotten through the balancing series and did not fall to the ground during triangle, I've had a good class. Then I started thinking, what actually makes a good class? Is it hitting every posture perfectly as demonstrated by Bikram, himself? Is it finally getting into the full expression of an elusive posture? Is it being complimented by the instructor? Is it not being corrected by the instructor? Is it just completing both sets of all 26 without sitting out? Is it relief from a nagging joint or muscle pain? Is it reaching some major epiphany? Is it simply showing up to class? I don't know... I think, for me, it changes everyday. I'm a Libra. What can one expect?

Well, I did have a great class! I am over the first hump. I am bound and determined to make it. My mind and body are a team and we can do it!
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