Saturday, May 30, 2009

Catching Up

Today is Day 45 and I should be half-way finished with my challenge, but I'm not. I am further behind than I ever wanted to be, but the challenge is not insurmountable. If I can regain my focus and energy, I should be able to catch up in two weeks, just before reaching 60 days. I just have to do it!

No Excuses!

Because I fell off on blogging, as well, I will do a simple re-cap of the week:

Day 44, Class38

12 pm with Ivey Claire

She has such a sweet and calming spirit. Favorite quote, "might as well go into the next set instead of laying there dreading it". That's so true.

I had a double planned, but had to re-schedule to meet with my web designer. YAY!

Day 43, Class 37

5:30 with Rebecca

I can't muster up the energy to do doubles back to back doubles these days.

Day 42

I had a dinner planned with friends that cancelled, but I didn't have time to stop home to get clothes... actually, it was Wednesday, so I did. I just lied. I guess I just wasn't feeling it. I'll pay for it next week.

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