Friday, May 1, 2009

Bikram Break

I am visiting my godson and other friends in Cincinnati this weekend, where there is no Bikram anywhere in sight. I arrived safely this morning, by plane, with no signs or symptoms of the pandemic Swine Flu.

Green Eggs and Ham

I spent my high school days here, so at the airport, I picked up some local favorites including Gold Star Chili Mix and Montgomery Inn BBQ sauce. I even had a Pepsi, which is difficult to find at a restaurant in Atlanta... not that I even drink sodas, excuse me, "pop", regularly, it was just the principle. I only drank about 1/3 of it. I am not leaving without here some Grippos potato chips, Graters ice cream, and LaRosa's pizza. I'm definitely need to add on a few days to the end of this challenge.

While having lunch with my friend, it occurred to me that I was going to miss blogging as much as I missed the class- and I do actually miss the class. During class, the teachers give A LOT of information, but sometimes. We do things and after 3 years, I still don't know why. I thought that I would take this opportunity to consider random thoughts about the practice. These are things that make me go hmmm during every class.

Thinking Lady

1. Why do we go straight into the second set of Eagle without a Savasana?

2. Why is Bikram's Triangle different than the traditional yoga triangle?

3. Why don't we do two sets of Spine Twist?

I think that's all! If there are more, I'm sure they will pop into my sweaty head during my next class. For now, I will ponder these... then look them up... and finally purchase the book.

WAIT! This just in! My friend is telling me right now that there is a "hot" studio around the corner from her house. That would be great! We'll see!

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